Since the Cryptochild's hangboard pull up contest, I visited my biological family in Austin. Richelle Gutierrez (my bio mom) picked me up with my two half brothers: matty and Joe. We drove to a small town called Bastrop. Since I chose to find my long lost family; I feel that it is my responsibility to uphold frequent contact. Bastrop, was really cool. The area is very nice. I met my Granpa Rich. (richelle's father) I met my half sister Katie (she is 18) and I met Virgil (papa) who I had not seen since I was born on May 19th, 1986 (fuckin' crazy eh?) Virgil was the man to provide insurance when I was born. My first birth certificate reads:
Scott Fontenot
When given up for adoption, I had another birth certificate made:
Scott Glasberg
You ever met a motha ucka with two families and two identities.....Naw? You know me.....Pretty Coooool.
I also met Tony Turano, My uncle. Tony is real similar to me....except I don't think he likes to party like I do. :) He does like a lot of active things and rides bikes a lot. He lives in Portland Oregon....I really like Tony a lot. Ill be up there in April Region TonY!!!!!!
Here I am....Sittin' at the air puerto in El Paso. My buddy George Manriquez dropped me off this morning. I'll be flying into Orange County where my biological mom will pick me up. I am looking forward to meeting her boyfriend Stuart; whom I've never met before. I'll hang out up in Yerba Linda for the night with my bros and mom and Stu.
The next day Richelle will drive me down to San Diego. I'm looking forward to a week back at home where I'll get to see my family, and friends. I am looking forward to getting out in the water, catch some waves, catch some rays, and hang with my close friends.
I need to find a job when I get back to EP because I am finally starting to run out of money. Sweet!!!! No JK.
While I'm writing this I am sitting in the Pheonix AeroPuerto. It's a nice airport. Sorta big. Pretty excited to get home.
I am trying to plan a party but I have to talk to my father, or find some one's place to throw it at. If you have any suggestions....Send me a shout on FACEBOOK.
While at home. I plan to hang out with friends, catch up with my family, pet my cat, enjoy the warm weather, and surf my brains out. I'll be training on plastic when back at the local Vertical Hold.
I am really proud of one of my best friends, I won't say any names; but I am excited to see her life becoming much more clear to her than over the summer. I talked to her the other night....her voice sounded more like a woman, more mature. I'm really proud and can't wait to see what's new.
As far as my boys....Carlos is headed out of town, I definately wanna to link up With Jack
"WHAT UP JACK!" Ben, Thomas, Berry, Taylor, Nate dog. if I left ya out you know I luv ya!
Carlos and I are going to meet up on the nineteenth. His only day in town. Though he does fly in that morning and leave that night...Busy boy....but somebody's gotta buy scotty a mansion. JK kern ;). PK, an old climbing friend wants to meet up too and have some beers. PK is Michelle K's Brother and climbed with me when I first started climbing about 6 years ago. He motivated me to have forearms that big...hahah JK.
The Ranch and Park has been really excellent. Working on the ranch I have acquired a really great set of friends. A shout to George, Mogley, Charles, Brian, Frank, Dave, Le Sean, Marc, and Neal. Oh yeah, Yuri, Val, Al. It's sorta like a big family. The coolest thing is that everyone climbs. One of the hardest things about my climbing life has been the lack of friends I have that climb. I think throughout High School and College, I brought only 2 or maybe 3 friends that I had known from my local area---climbing. I'm not saying I wished I had, But it is NICE to build with peers your age, and bond through a productive activity like Climbing.
I am getting along with everyone at the ranch and am looking forward to the rest of the time there.
Also big shout out to Austin Williams for coming through to the Tanks on his way to Florida. You shouldn't have bailed that mornin' Austin I got in Supa' quick bruddah. Anyways see you soon bro...was good having some local company out in the 'armpit of Texas.'
Jason, Abby, Joe, Collette, are also out not to mention the spring break kids that have been riding through.
I really enjoy working at the ranch. I am in charge of all the parties. We'll be hosting them at the house every saturday. So get yo O face on ..OH OH OH.
I think one of the coolest things that is exciting me is having built quite good relations with George, Mogley, and Le Sean. Instead of leaving a climbing area alone. We all plan to caravan to Bishop and then Yosemite Valley. This will be the first time....out of all my travelin' (which is a shit load of traveling) Am I spending the season with friends going from one world class destination to another. This will be my first summer i the valley. I got one goal. Do Midnight Lightning! And climb some valley V10's or some shiat. I just talked to my buddy Geiss out in Vegas. I am wanting to take a trip out there too....A ton of new Potosi Routes are going up and they are world class. The link I will be posting in a few days to his VEGAS CLIMBING website. Thanks Uncle G!
So here's a schedule of my upcoming activities.
Jan 12th- 20th......................San Diego (friends, family, job search, surf, skate, climb)
Jan 2oth- 29th......................Chrissy comes tto El Paso his first time in Eons.
Feb-March 4.........................Work in EP, partake and help for Rock Rodeo
March 4th...........................Head west with the Caravan to BIshop
April- Summer........................WOrk in the Yosemite Valley at a Job George can get (pizza) night bouldering ...Maybe save up for trip to Austin in the August Region to go DWS.
I'm trying to think If I left anything out....? I don't know...anways.....thanks for checkin' in....See ya'll soon.
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