Me warming up at the Columbia JC Boulders. Photo:George Manriquez

Going home to the West Coast was quite grounding. I left EP on the 12th of January and flew into Orange County. My biological mother; Richelle picked me up and we drove back to Yerbe Linda to eat pizza and meet her boyfriend Stuart and kick it on the Wii with my two younger bros: Matty and Joeseph. The following day I hung out with Stuart around the house and proceeded to meet my bo mom at her work.
She works in the eduacational department in the nutritional department....I met all her co workers and began a stay back in San Diego for about a week. As usual....back in San Diego was full of hanging with friends and family and visiting the local climbing gym....Vertical Hold.
I went to the gym about three times when I was home and ventured back to El Paso with a bit of a tweak in my left hand ring finger. Damn Plastic.
After returning to Hueco Tanks George Manriquez picked my ass up from the airport and laid down a proposition.
"Would you be down to go back to Cali"?
The job search hadn't been going that well, considering most jobs in EP you have to be Bi-langual to get. Unless you can shake yo' ass:).
The Black light party still went down as planned @ the Ranch and it took me till the day we left to recover. Monday morning I felt great. George wanted to hit the park back up to try and send "Babyface" I gave him my pad and told him "God's speed.. slice".
Back at the office I realized that going to San Diego would only put about an hour more onto the trip. George neared and we sat in the office showing him the bew beta through mapquest. He was down and we decided to spend the night and the next at my casa by the sunny coast of southern california.
The on Monday morning, Carlos, George and myself charged from San Diego to the central California location of Palo Alto to drop off Kern to visit his girlfriend and take care of some of his work for www. albertmasonmeinzer.com.
After dropping off Carlos, George and I ventured a bit South East to Escalon,CA. The land of peaches and Cream.
Georges family: Mother whom I call Ms. Manriquez and their younger daughter Theresa were warm and perfect house hosts to me. I do the dishes and help out as much as possible around the house.
The relentless pursuit to find a job in this economy has been taking up most of my time.
So far I have been interviewed for Mcdonalds and In Shape fitness. Not top of the line; but this is something I need to do.
The other potential opportunity, lies in Yosemtie Valley. I applied in Hueco for the DNC parks service. The potential jobs out in the Valley are resumed by previous employees while those who have not been employed need to stop the half step. Basically, I think what I must do is go to the Valley with George and personally confront the managers. Cross your fingers.
As far as the climbing goes, I have completed what I have came to see.
I shot so high and ith so much thought in the past. I was always about trying to picture what the future would look. Tell me this....When someone tells you of some area, some house, any where you might have not been but are going. How often does your vision match the exact reality of what that place really looks like? Not that f wordin' often?! Right. What I'm gettin' at is their is no way to really predict the outcome of the choices you make. Yeah, the obvious..Cause and effect. (hard work=pay off, bad choices=bad things)But, if you find out how to see into the future....let me know.
I'm just going with the flow now. I have climbing central to me, I have my motivation towards working, and I have a place to stay. Basically, I'm livin' it.
George and I got to check out Jailhouse. I am quite sure it's the best sport climbing in California besides Clark Mountain. I will be spending my time getting my climb on there.
Other spots that are central to me I am planning to visit are "Mickey's beach", Yosemite, Toulemne, Santa Cruz, and other obscure areas.
Since were a bit low on money we have been going to the local Modesto Gym, "Stonhenge" and gettin' our train on.
There is not a ton of hard stuff, but I have been making do to have some good old butt clenchin' fun.
Besides Jailhouse, George, Tanya, and myself visited the local Sonora Community College "Columbia JC" which is one of the more...shall I say interesting? bouldering areas I've been to. Nestled in this community college is hiking trail leading to a small collection of limestone deposits. The problems go from V0-v10 and provide for some fun bouldering.
With a good bouldering area, and some of the best hard sport climbing in California...I'm happy.
As soon as the loot starts rollin' in I plan to visit the Valley (if no job is secured) frequently and get my taste of climbing in the Valley for a summer. I am definately interested in getting more of a traditional background and doing some exciting and fun cross training in the valley. I am really motivated to climb my first 14a by the end of my twenty fourth year of my life.
Having this central location serves somewhat as a balance. A short stint to so cal, an hour from the city of San Fran. I'm finding myself in a good place. I want to work, and get aquainted with the surrounding areas. I'm trying not to think in the future. More so, keep my head straight and stay directed in the now. Like a man I met intersted in Buddhist philosophy, "everything just seems to work itself out."
OH yeah....I almost forgot. Geoerge's father Vince, hooked us up with an not so frequenct gig doing photography Gentiles Photography shooting sports potraits for little league to high school teams. The gigs are cool and pay well but for right now...I need money. Besides...it's a super cool opportunity and I am more than happy with Vince's effort to help both George and myself. I like who I work with. Keep checkin!
XO Everyone!
XO Everyone!
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