Boot Camp Training, Las Vegas
- Run 1 mile
- Sit Ups, V Ups, Crunches (10 sets, 10-1 Reps) hard!
- Push Ups, Dive Bombers (10 sets, 10-1 Reps) hard!
- Weights 10-15 lbs bicep curls (25 reps) Tricep Curl (behind head) (25 reps), Military Press (25 reps) *(4 Sets of all these) * In between sets do 25 push ups, and 25 dips on bleacher.
- ABS- 3 sets of 15 Reps (Sit Ups)
- 1 minutes of twisty crunches (side to side) or 3 sets of 15 reps Twisties
- Run up Small Hill 4x 1 way with 12 lbs. medicine balls
- zig zag cone course make sure you touch each cone
- slolem poles
- 4 buckets 24 lbs in each...Run 50 yds 1 way, run back and retrieve next set
- Lunge 50 yds with 15 lbs hand weight(s)
- Run 50 yds and jump over 3 tables Run back full length.
- Do this a total of 3 times.
- End resting with only back against wall and feet at 90 degrees. Then stop and do calf lifts on the edge of a curb. 100 of these.
- Run a mile passing 12 lbs medicine ball to partner in back of you...Last person in line gets it and then runs it to front. Continue this till mile is done.
- 2 minutes of push ups as many as you can Hard!
- 2 minutes sit ups as many as you can Hard!
- Big Tires Squat and roll over for 20 yards. Do planks around whole tire.
- Hold Plank for 2 minutes and repeat back to where you started. Do plank around whole tire.
- Hold feet up and hands up while sitting on derrier for 2 minutes.
- Go to tire 25 push ups in plank plus 25 dips run foot ball field and jog back.
- Repeat that 2 times
- Go to 45 degree hill or and for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to twisties. (Hold crunch and go side to side. Hard! on hill especially. Challenge!
- Lay on 45 degree hill with legs facing up hill. (legs can face down hill for more resistance)
- Legs out for 10 sec--> Legs spread 10 sec-->Left leg up 10 sec--> Right up 10 sec--> Both Left 10 sec--> Both Right 10 sec --> Center 10 sec.. Do 3 times. (Challenging)
- 10 V ups
- 10 butt lifts
1 comment:
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Boot Camp Training London
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