The whisp from the hair of a beautiful woman.
The imagination that lies deep within a human.
The smell that intrigues me and takes over reality,
those who are bored virtue punctuality.
Argue a point whether or not it has valadity (validity)
Emotion rules life, and if you don't let it out. Yourself is left in, and never can shout.
Your eyes are the portal, when I look at your mind, release inhibitions that keep your world in a bind.
There is no such word as perfect and stillness, especially when people evade to the killings. To believe in stature, is a posture of the sober. Let my forceful angry winds of nature blow you over.
Your hair is so long, I can't see your eyes. A tactic of mine to remain un-hypnotized.
Do you judge me? Do you fine me attractive or bait? Do you know that love can turn into hate? Did you know what I have gone through before? And if you did know would it settle the score? Would you praise me or paste me in latest magazines, with eyes glued and minds used by all the young teens. With everyone wanting to be just like me. The true heroes are those that we rarely see.
With colors that bleed to be seen psychedelically with patterns so deep you can't really be, seeing what you are really trying to see, the patterns of life are inside of me. So touch me and squeeze me, and do you love me too. Grabbing your hair while my skins glued to you. Toe Curling, minds whirling, with candle flicker. The time clock, as our minds watch the see-sawing wicker. A metronome, a heartbeat, a pulsating heart, what I find in the end's full-circle from the start.
As I take my head up from the world I was once in. I look up to a picture to let out a grin. To realize that sight is to let color in, to your eyes and realize that you must begin. On an awesome journey that starts every second. That these beautiful thoughts that have always beckond, that life is changing at every second, but memories and myself remain same so I reckon.
LOVE YOU EVERYONE. Thanks for readin'.
-May 19, 2008 23 Yrs. @ Cathedral Coffee in Fayeteville, WV.
My Blog is mainly a composition of all the Climbing Experiences I have had. From Training to thoughts I want it all on here for you!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
New River Rendevous:

Proceeding Baja, I decided to kick it at home for a bit to reminice with my friends and others I had wanted to see. My prospects for the near future were to make an excursion to the NE of the United States, and visit the Renown Climbing of the New River Gorge. The New is nestled anywhere. The cliffs of sandstone scatter amongst the lush, green environment. From fast flowing rivers that roll like thunder when the rain starts poaring, and provide no shielding from the elements. To calm, riverside overhangs that tend to the rainy days you may incur.
Chris and Jimmy from Vegas, met me in San Diego after a day of packing up Chris Lindner's house in Vegas. Chris prepared a U-Haul for a move from Vegas to traveling and exploring for a bit with his girlfriend in Various Areas. I woke, met Chris and Jimmy at the U-haul storage and we rode off east for an adventure that would take over 40 hours to reach our destination.
Jimmy had to be dropped off in Vegas to his house next to Chris's old place. See Jimmy was just along for 1/9 of the trip, for he was staying in Vegas with his wife.
Chris Packed up any belongings for the trip and left a house which he called "Home" for the last two years.
That night Chris and I cut down a 40 minute hike into a 25 minute jaunt up to a newly established climbing area near Mesquite, NV called the "Ballin' Alley". We had an obligation to clean the draws at the cliff, so we'd have enough for our month long adventure.
The route we were to take was the 15 freeway to the 17 headed east all the way to 64 somewhere around the east coast.
Only about 4 out of our 40 hour sprints did we get some shut eye. The first right outside of Denver in approach to Kansas, and the next somewhere in Illinois. On several occasions Chris and I found are selves dilluisional to a certain extent.
We drove and drove along the lands, in Seneca Rocks where we would land. Where is Syneca Rocks you ask?
Around the SE portion of the state of West Virginia lies a Quartzite Monlithic Spires. The town below is incredibly small where a general store called "Yokum's" and "Gendarme" climbing holds it down. Getting there we greeted new mates, the Legendary Captain Kurt Smith and his wife Alaina. The Friksn Krew was out there so we all decided to take a hike to the top of Syneca after a beer. That night the 4th annual Cinco de Mayo party went down. Lot's of campers and people from all over came out to have fun, drink, watch C.L's slideshow, and well... party. The night went on late, and Chris and I crashed out after a nice freestyle and laugh session in the Friksn party van. As the rain poured, my thoughts seemed to seep off the balcony's horizonatal boards, down to the ground below. We woke up on the second story balcony of the Ac's and Diane's balcony. I then sluggishly walked in the kitchen to claim my pancakes to ease the pain from the evening's events, that still seemed to linger heavily between my eyes and head.
That day we took off to Fayetville, WV to set up camp in Kurt Smith's backyard. The backyard we've come to know as "Camp de Kurt." For a monthly fee of dishes at night and garden building we earn our right to be in such fine quarters. Besides the 10:50 p.m. or the 1 a.m. bedtime call; between wake-up time and then, the house and town is ours for what we need. The rule is just to keep everything more clean than you found it. So besides climbing my ass off, I'll come home with some more character.
The climbing has been cool. There's been alot of rain but we've managed to climb at some cool areas. The colleseum tends to the rainy days, where I'm projecting a stiff 5.13 b called "Pod". Since I hadn't climbed for about 1 month I'm trying to redpoint a cool route and to climb more fitness oriented routes to get back to where I was in the Fall. Chris put some draws up on a really cool route called "Still life" which involves a henious crux at the finishing headwall.
Matt Stark, from Dead Point Magazine took us bouldering on one occasion, which turned out to be more of a rain scramble through high river rushings and moss tree scramblin'. On top of it, at the end, we ended up losing Matt's dog. The day turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We walked over a railroad track bridge, back to the cars and went on with our Cinco De Mayo festivities.
The area is pretty cool. Everyone is preparing for the New River Rendevous and I'm trying to help out as much as I can.
Porter, one of the area locals climbed with us one day at an area dubbed, "The Endless Wall". The wall can be endless if you want it to, you just have to think of it that way.
The walls drift down a gorge filled with trees that bloom from the water's gift.
And where the cliffs reside we chose to climb.
Hardened Sandstone was divine, rolling like the water below.
Chris decided to hang some bolts on a project. The line was typical of projects here, stellar climbing, up to a stopper crux. This project, like "Still Life" at the Colleseum both offered their asthetic glory, which apparently offers the most killer routes.
I hadn't climbed for a while so I ran some laps on some moderate climbs with well-versed climber, Porter Jerrard. We hiked out, stopped by a quick south east climber's coalition meeting, and then went home to eat and watch the playoffs.
Mikey Williams, a Fayetville local and current strong hardman, picked us up from the local climbing shop to take us to an area named "The Meadow". We rode in "Roadkill's" van with an upcoming aspiring photographer named Dan Heller. Dan's got some o.k. photos, but his fitness and lack of climbing experience does complicate obtaining his goal.
The Meadow's a long cliff of concrete sandstone on the other side of a gravel road adjacent to a narrow river tributary. The climbing is steep, continuous and very exciting. Chris was interested in a bolted project and worked on this for our first day cuplet. I really wanted to work on my fitness to do "P.O.D." so found myself working a fitness oriented 13 a. Not climbing much, nor training for a month since St.George, I found myself falling at the last bolt before the top on this full length beauty sprint. That's fine with me though, I am happy to be climbing at the level that I am without training or climbing, not to mention hanging with friends a lot.
Now that the Rendevous is getting started we headed out one more day out to "Area 51" with a caravan of people.
The New River Rendevous is located at Burnwood Camprgound on the 19 freeway before the sweeping bridge that leaps over the gushing New River.
Yesterday morning I was awaken by a militaristic call from Chris Lindner. Rushing out to the car to meet up with San Diego Native, climber, and Evolve Representative Buck Branson, and Chris; my pants were not even saftened. I soon found myself at Kenny Parker's newly erected abode. The land out here is really cheap. People are living in well sized quarters on 300+ to 700- dollar mortages. This is the place to move if you have a sweet heart and want nothing else to do but climb on some of the best rock in the country, kayak, and hang with some of the most down to earth friendly people on earth.
Back to my story, Kenny built a californiaesque 3 or 4 story crib, that really struck me as very honorable. Kenny's kind face implied that my thoughts had been well sent.
The three of us San Diegans loaded up a trailer with climbing walls for the climbing competition at Burnwood campground and took off back to the house.
Moses, Metolious's representative from Bend, Oregon greeted us there with a bundle of energy and a sharp smile as he peered from behind his spectacles.
Kurt had a project.
Using the dirt from the a house that the neighbor had bought and then burned down publically, our assignment was to fill a perimeter of railroad ties with soilable dirt. Kurt wanted to grow some Rhododendron for his wife Alaina.
So for the next few hours, this is what we did. Shoveled, loaded, and dumped dirt back and forth, back and forth.
We soon completed are task for what it was worth and this night was the night of the dealer camp. We had a party at Kurt's, met some great folks, and actually made friends with a really nice young folks. More on that later.
The rest of the weekend was spent getting stuff ready for the New River Rendevous. We have gathered a ton of great friends out here. It is really one of the only places I have went, and felt totally at home and comfortable. It's one of those trips where I don't want to go home; it could be just easier to stay or move somewhere out here.
Kurt Smith (the general) gave me instructions to do the art for the background of the band. This made yesterday quite leisure and fun. I figured that if I wasn't thinking about time, finishing the project; it is something that I love to do.
More and more people started coming in. Everything from Lynn Hill to grungy dirt bags stealing gear; the NRR 09' brought in some interesting folks. I had a fun time meeting new people and creating new relations. I got to ketchup with some folks from Petzl, Friksn, Metolious, Evolve, So Ill and Cryptochild, and OdUb. You know, the regular traveling sponsors.
I got my groove on on the dance floor, and quickly got a call to head to this house party. Dario, from the Red took as to a real fatty cabin. 20 rooms and 1 jacuzzi. Anyone down?
So here we are all sitting around the couch. With the games starting, eyes are shutting. It's been a long couple weeks, and we're all pretty cashed. The weather just cooled and this week will be dedicated to spending as much time climbing as we can.
Next week, we leave for Greenbourough, NC where I will hopefully meet up with my friend Mackenzie whom I met over the weekend. The plan is to meet up with our friend Tyson (from San Diego) and go check out the world class bouldering in Boone, NC. Locals Pat and Jessa will be there to guide us on our adventure.
From there, we'll drive into Colorado, to attend a wedding for my friend Eric Harrison or EZ. EZ took me out climbing my first time at the Tramway, CA. If I'm not able to attend whole wedding, I'll either go ketchup with friends in boulder, or visiit other's in Fort Collins. Besides that, I'll be home for the month of June, and have some interesting prospects that I'm willing to grab for my future.
I'll end the update with some words:
The trip was long, as my mind was the same, thoughts resided which I couldn't tame. I couldn't beleive it I needed what I had not. Not realizing the present is all that I've got. A call, a note, but nothing felt genuine, my body was idle but filled with adrenaline. For what I was asking, there was no more rush, no anticipation, no blush, and no one to touch. I didn't realize what Full Circle had meant, that to make something new, you first have to invent. With the next turn, or corner I cross, is a step into leisure or life's albatross. Please take a chance, to look deep in my eyes; I'll tell you myself, no lies, no disguise.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Baja, California Adventure

Check out to read about the Baja, California vacation.
Check out for more info.
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