Idle in San Diego, I belay at the local coffee shop in San Diego. Sipping green tea with milk I search my mind in retrospect over the last week of travel.
I left San Diego one week ago to attend the Salt Lake City Outdoor Retailer Trade show. I hitched a ride with Carlos Mason and Anayo Baldassari to Vegas. There, I met up with Chris Lindner, Spencer Mcrosky, (two climbing buddies whom I've spent a lot of time with this summer), and Joe Brooks. We left early Tuesday morning for Nephi, shortly west of our destination, Maple Canyon. The boys ate Taco Time right off the exit, where I was surprised to find whole wheat.
Annually, an event dubbed, "Cobble fest" attracts road trippers from all over the states. The event offers an opportunity to hang out before the seasonal retailer show. One of the event organizers: Jeff Petterson, even put together t-shirts for the low key, unsponsored event. We only had about 24 hours, 3 people (joe climbed at another cliff), jet lag, and 1 rope; so it was a bit hard to get super psyched. I worked on a juggy line called 'Sprout', which involved fairly easy movement on good holds following a line out the right side of the "Pipe Dream Cave". I camped on the soft soil that night, my clothes, a burrito, wrapped in an inside out sleeping bag case, fearing rain would escape the sky. I woke more refreshed than any bed had ever hosted, I was happy to be natural.
We left for Salt Lake around 2 or 3 p.m., checked into a hotel (that was under Chris's name, supplied by Maxim) and got to partying. Even if you're competing, your main objective for the trade show, should be to drink. Don't drink much? Have a few, kick back, and shut up, cause there ain't much else to do. My shrieks of laughter pierced the car, for I laughed at no punch line, just my alcohol laden life juice, that sparkled with energy in the night.
My main objective besides letting loose, was to make some contacts in the industry. Contacting Urban Climber was a priority, as was speaking to some people from PrAna clothing. Both initiatives turned out positive. Joe Iurato from Urban Climber magazine is psyched on me doing some work, as well as I am psyched to be offered such a great opportunity. Jeff Leads handed me the unique opportunity of being able to represent PrAna climbing for years of traveling to come.
True friends are the images that come to mind, in the time we find to periodically intertwine. I find my sign corresponds to others, with people from different situations, upbringings and mothers. Like Buck Branson for instance, met him four years ago, in the front of coffee shop, his cell phone he beholds, "check out these photos from black mountain you see, this is a v10 and that person is me." Now four years have passed, and I'm on the v10, it's amazing to compare the present to then. Buck and I sat at a table this trip, and Buck is my only friend that doesn't talk shit. I respect him for that, and respect his kindness, because it's not very often on earth that you find this. It's amazing to notice, small things affect another, so next time you talk, think of the words that you mutter.
San Diego is going well. I have rekindled my fascination with running, and with sore arms and pecs from pull ups, have decided to take a few days off from climbing . Tomorrow I work at Vertical Hold, where I volunteer mornings to help young future athletes rock climb. After I'll attend a Padre game with my dear girlfriend Lahna, her mother, Dena and her mother, Lou.
Tonight, my mother's fiance, Kannen had his birthday at a nice Thai restaurant in town. Here I met a man named Jim who is the chancellor at Mira Costa College. Jim was a professional skier for Ten years. He rested at the best skiing areas when in season, and related positively toward the climbing I pursue. In a discussion ranging from Utah's blondies, to job opportunities, I concluded with a goal: Self worth cannot be measured in material wealth, or a degree. The only thing that can make one happy is a sense of spiritual fulfillment, plus the hard work that led up to it. By building climbing walls and taking kids outside, I want to help Urban Children get out of the environment they live. If I earn no money doing such, than I earned even more worth in respect, from others and myself. I want to step out of the world for a second, take a look at myself, and disengage from the selfish routine we all seem to enjoy. I have never been afraid of giving myself to the less fortunate, and along with climbing, this is something I have always been passionate about. Stay strong. -Scotty
Also my cousin Mark and awesome wife Christine have brought Charlotte Frances Lear into the world! Congrats guys, and bless my new second cousin!
Plus, don't stress, OdUb international climbing rap star and myself should be coming out with a bangin' track this season, so keep yo' headz up!
1 comment:
good blog dude,
i like your style.
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