Choosing a topic was hardest to see, when revealed this blank page in front of me.
Completing errands at the coffee shop, a women next to me, chose to ease drop.
There is a T.V. I am trying to sell, over the years, the price of it fell. She was interested in the T.V , both disposing of items for reasons that be. She exclaimed she was experiencing a lot of change, and her saying that struck me similarly strange. I noticed that was my topic of choice, as if she took my thoughts and was speaking my voice. The end of this summer is all about change, from various topics all over the range. From friends leaving to school, to Lahna making a move, things are just not the same, in a typical groove. My blog today, is short and sweet, and for those who don't read much, probably quite a treat. I've come to tell you about this summer of change, and how my life as I know it, has been re-arranged.
What's going on that is so different one might ask? I am taking this Saturday off from schoolwork, to explain.
Change number uno: School. As the leaves take new tones, watch for speeding in school zones, fall has shone her face once again. Essentially, seasons are changing which means school is now beginning. I have 2 classes I am currently enrolled in via Mira Costa's online credit programs. One of the classes is Health 100 (a nutrition course), and the second an HTML and XHTML design course (fundamentals of web design). My third class, Communications is web based through Brigham Young University. The classes are excellent. Classified 'Vital Knowledge' in the web based world we seem to meditate upon, Web Design takes me into the world of XHTML code. Nutrition, recommended to me by Chris, provides great factual education (I visited the SD Food Bank today!) and appeals to me highly on a personal level. I am learning a lot about the realties of nutrition.
Change Two. Lahna, my girl friend, plus ultimate partner in crime, took off for college. She attends a four year university in Northern California, encompassed by the beautiful rolling hills of Napa Valley's Wine country. Every day I miss her, but our constant contact, long ties, and mutual care for each other, somehow makes this a positive experience. I love her very much, and will work hard to preserve the virtuous bond thats developed.
Change 3: The anticipation of my upcoming Vagabond lifestyle, has driven me to rest my body. Since returning to San Diego from Vegas, I have taken the longest break from climbing yet. My arm was sore, and my mother informed me,"when in doubt rule it out." My doubts tell me to rest my arms, stay active, and start working ahead in school. On the upside, I discovered a passion in ripping up the awesome waves I live in such close vicinity to. Lately, I surf at least twice a day, once preceding Breakfast and once late afternoon. I've been switching areas between Del Mar and Leucadia hoping for a vacant spot with firing glassy surf. The routine is really good: surf a new break, find a new market, study all day, and surf again. The only activity I need to stop doing so much of is studying! Hopefully the next this South West swell will bring in some killah' rides before I take off. Along with tearing it up, I am passionate about long distance running, and marathon training. I linked up with a group called the "UCSD Masters" and have been running beaucoup. I ran 18 miles in Three Hours and Forty minutes, 11 miles in a little less than 2 and 13-15 in 2 and half. I trained Track Intervals on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an 1/2-2 hours at 6 a.m. I can't wait to see how it translates on the rock. My I Pod is my favorite new accessory while I run.
Change 4: My mother and very kind fiance Kannan (from India) have moved back up to Carmel Valley. I've been hanging out at my house I inhabited in High School a lot. Along with hanging out with them, staying here brings back a lot of great memories.
There is nothing more profound than saying very little,
and with that I leave you "Peace".
And his poem was of stature, cause a mighty man he was. As fearsome as a yellow tiger, but soft as feathered doves. And when this man a spoken, there was not much a jokin', his poetry was known to you and me, no ego was he soaked in.