This picture shows the work of Tibor Kalman and Scott Stowell along with 40 other artists turned the historic west side of 42 nd street into an around the clock art exhibition. This billboard sitting in the middle of times square is meant to speculate that what has now become time square has also become a global crossroad. The Chairs at the bottom of the word 'everybody' is for any body to sit down and observe...."everybody." http://www.creativetime.org/programs/archive/1993/42ndStreetYear1/42nd_Street.htm
Tibor Kalman was not afraid to speak his mind through his art. One of his bold statements was that "when you make something no one hates....No one loves it." What does that mean....I asked myself a couple times. It means that the advertisements that some people love....Some people really hate. I mean think about the advertisements that are perfectly design to not offend...To not make you think...To give you something that is known to provide a certain effect or thought, and to most definately not offend. Tibor does the exact opposite...He wants to challenge to majority. He wants people to be offended, shocked or dream a little. This is the objective of an artist. Tibor along with Macintosh changed the face of the design world forever.
The other "colors" cover depicts Kalman's design that infused what a lot of Generic advertising was afraid to believe in. Kalman was extremely anti-racist. anti-homophobic, and enviornmental. You can see this on the cover of the magazine but also in his design. He was the "bad boy" of advertising and put spins on whatever his medium may have been. Tibor often commented on anti-this, anti that....He naturally proved to the world that what is fashion....is actually really "unfashion" and what is the aesthetic is the "anti-aesthetic." Which he proved many of times.