So....It's been a while.
How are you? How ya' been?
Good, Good. I am glad.
Now let me catch up with you. Sinch March the last time we talked.
After Baja I chose to chill back in San Diego, Ca for about a month. Chris LIndner and I would meet back in one month to start the venture X-country to West Virginia.
When at home I hung out with friends. Did some surfing. But mostly partied a lot. Sorry....a boy's gotta party sometimes before he starts settlin' down. Ain't that true? True.
So after having a great time at the beach, and party with all mon amies. I took off for Las Vegas to Pick up C.L. at his house that him and his girlfriend Jodi we're in the midst of selling.
So we started drivin. 48 hours, bud. Straight up and down no sleep, RPM's rotating on the pavement like the thoughts that rotated in my head about my lost love. I am a good co-pilot for the sleep deprived chris; who's total loss of sleep totaled 72 hours due to packing the day and all night the night before I arrived in Vegas. I keep a brotha' entertained.
Anyways so the W. VIrginia Trip went down....Cool. Lot's of routes, some bouldering tours from DPM's M. Stark, New River Rendevous partying and the most hectic photo shoot I have ever taken place in. My legs were chaffed from sittin' in my harness for some damn long I had to coat them in Neosporin with pain relief. All in all it paid off. Check this month's issue at:
Dead Point Magazine's Website. In the New RIver section you'll see me with the classic belay prop for Chrissy. WURD!
So I had been traveling for a while at that point. My whole year...Since September! 9 or ten months exploring the rock climbing of N. America. I needed some time off. I went home to San Diego On June 1st.
For about 3 months I basically lost all motivation to crank. Although I was working at the climbing gym; my time outside of the gym was not spent training for climbing but more how to hang in college during a drinking contest. My strength dwindled as my motivation grew to become the man that I used to be. Obsessed with climbing and determined to be physically and mentally at my peak.
San Diego was amazing. I did some very close relationships with some new people who mean a lot to me. Faye, Sara, Matty, Rocky, Mary and countless others I got to see after being absent for over a year.
During this time back home I also was re-united with my Birth Parents.
In West Virginia I mad a pact with myself to find my birthparents. Eventually, while back in San Diego. With a little work each day, I finally got in contact with my Cousin Kim who relayed the message both to my Biolgoical MOther "RIchelle Turano" or Gutirrez (turano was the original name I found) and Larry Mullock. My father lived in Long Beach as a Police Officer..
Remarried and with Chrildren Larry was pleased to hang with me, but unfortunately cannot introduce me to my younger half siblings because he feels they are too young.
Richelle was a bit more open to the idea and was a very spiritually enlightening experience.
I told my lover when I was with her that I wanted her help to find my biological parents. When she disappeared and told me she 'didn't love me anymore' my quest to find where I came from became ever more passionate.
I now have a realtionship with both my Birth Parents, my half Brother Matty, and Joe, My grandma Sheila, Aunt Sandy and Cousin Kimmy. In december, I'll be getting picked up in El Paso and heading to Austin to meet Virgil my grandpa, my half sister, and who ever else may come. I am pretty psyched for that and getting to see some of the climbing in Austin. I also met my Great Grandfather who is a totally rad old dude.
A few friends were with me on this amazing journey to meet my relatives. For those who were there....you know who you are....I'll hold that close to my heart forever. thanks Faybz.
Don't get it twisted. There will never be any replacement for Bob and Meredith...EVer. But, It was really nice to finally found where I came from.
After staying in San Diego for a while. The partying life became more than I could handle.
C.L. Saw I was slipping so he called me up and told me he wanted to help me get back on my freet. Get crankin' again, and there was an open spot on his couch till I got on my feet and got my own place. I drove out to Gunnison, Colorado to do just this. We climbed almost everyday, training at Western College gym and spending the weekends at the Fortress of Solitude by Rifle Mtn. Park.
I finally found a job as a breakfast attendant and laundry man at the Local 'Affordable Inn'. The job sucked. But it paid the billz and was full time. 6 am to 1 or 3 p.m. So either I was off early or off with just enough time to climb outside or get a solid night in at the gym.
I started getting some friends around the area that liked to Climb and hang out so that was nice. They even took me boardin.' Thanks JOsh, Mike and JOel, and dudley for the killer time! It was bad ass. The day I was going to get my apartment I was laid off my job because of the lack of work and customers that were coming through.
So....I was sorta unpyched on staying in some cold ass ground for the winter so I decided to use the two paychecks I had earned to head down to Hueco Tanks Historic Site to enjoy some of the best bouldering in the nation.
So that's where I'm at now. I'm actually like 5 minutes from Juarez right now coping some internet service in a little mexican restaraunt. I am working at the Hueco Rock Ranch in exchange for free camping. The climbing is really good and I am getting back into good shape. Right now we're all preparing for TanksGiving, at the Rock Ranch.
Happy Holidays.
While in Hueco I'm hoping to put a V11 under my belt. That's my real goal . I have a few in mind but I think I am gonna go for 'Dark Age' the sit start to 'See Spot Run' Wish me luck.